
Why are wind and solar power generators waiting years to get grid connection approvals?

To connect a new power source to the U.S. grid, energy generators must complete a lengthy application process through their regional utility or transmission authority. This bureaucratic process, called the interconnection queue, can take years.


Biden administration announced the first-ever lease sale for offshore wind in the Gulf of Mexico

The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) has announced a proposed offshore wind lease sale for three areas in the Gulf of Mexico, off the shores of Texas and Louisiana. The Interior Department will open over ...

floating turbine

How do floating wind turbines work?

Equinor’s Hywind Scotland, the first floating wind farm in the world, started delivering electricity to the Scottish grid in 2017.

But how do these massive structures float on water?

How do they contend with strong currents and stay in place during storms?

offshore wind investment

2020 – the Year of Offshore Wind Investments

There are just some things that even a pandemic can’t stop. Offshore wind investments seem to be one of those. Being in an industry that relies so heavily on natural forces, resilience has become a true charact...

