
Complete guide to solar and wind PPAs

Solar and wind PPAs are popular tools that let energy consumers (commonly called “offtakers”) take advantage of clean, renewable power without needing to own solar panels or wind turbines themselves. This is wh...


All about Power purchase agreements (PPAs): Who creates one, What they do, and When they are necessary

Power purchase agreements, which are typically referred to as ‘PPAs,’ are an old concept in electricity markets — but as a lot of things do, like Hollywood remakes, they’ve been making a comeback in recen...

Virtual Power Purchase Agreements

Virtual Power Purchase Agreements – A Quick Guide to Borderless Corporate Energy Investment

Corporate Power Purchase Agreements is one of my favorite subjects. Ever since the mighty corporations realized their energy mixes needed some pizazz (think: sugar, spice & everything nice), a world of PPAs...

Corporate Solar PPA

Renewable Energy Asset Management Guide: All About Corporate Power Purchase Agreements

Editor’s note: Want to start from the very beginning?  Here a little explainer on what asset management really is. Corporate Power Purchase Agreements We talk/write/think so much about managing the daily ...

