renewable energy investment strategies

How Is Digitalization Shaping Renewable Energy Investment Strategies?

Digitalization has been the talk of the town in renewables for quite some time. And as asset management partners, we’ve talked about it a lot from the perspective of efficiency and productivity. A recent report...

solar co-location

India Opens Agriculture Fields for Solar Co-location

Solar co-location has long been a source of income for farmers around the world. India, for one, is enthusiastically expanding on this type of asset co-location. The state of Rajasthan is set to expand its ...

green energy asset management

3 Ways to Rethink Storage for Green Energy Asset Management

For years, the biggest focus for green energy asset management was perfecting the process to set up and generate optimal clean power. Now that the industry has matured, and solar and wind projects are commissio...

solar projects

Portugal Auctions Record Lowest Prices for Solar Projects

As auctions closed in Portugal for newly planned solar projects, renewable energy prices hit a record low. Authorities revealed that successful bidding strategies have driven down costs to $0.01316/ kWh for a 7...

