
Earth Day 2024 – Planet vs Plastics

The global theme for Earth Day 2024, “Planet vs. Plastics,” emphasizes the critical need to tackle the overwhelming issue of plastic pollution, highlighting the production of over 380 million tons of plastic annually and its severe impacts on human and environmental health. PowerHub supports the initiative by promoting sustainable workplace practices and encouraging employee participation in reducing plastic use through activities like using reusable materials and engaging in local Earth Day events. The campaign calls for collective action to minimize plastic waste and protect the planet, advocating for small but impactful lifestyle changes toward a plastic-free future.

Deep Dive
The global theme for Earth Day 2024, “Planet vs. Plastics,” couldn’t be more urgent. The call to action is clear: we need to work together to combat the pervasive threat of plastic pollution for the health of our planet and all its inhabitants.

At PowerHub, we take this call to heart.

The statistics surrounding plastic pollution are staggering. With over 380 million tons of plastic produced annually and more plastic manufactured in the last decade than in the entire 20th century, the scale of the issue is immense.

Plastics seriously threaten human health, releasing toxic chemicals as they break down into microplastics that infiltrate our food, water, and air.

“A petrochemical industry produced all this plastic with an abysmal record of toxic emissions, spills, and explosions,” explains Denis Hayes, Chair Emeritus of EARTHDAY.ORG. “Plastics are produced in polluting facilities that somehow seem to always be located in the poorest neighborhoods. Some plastics are lethal when combusted; other plastics transmit hormone-disrupting chemicals; and all plastics can starve birds and suffocate sea life. At every stage of their life cycles, from the oil well to the town dump, plastics are a dangerous blight.”

PowerHub recognizes the importance of taking concrete steps to combat plastic pollution.

That’s why our team members use reusable cups and plates instead of disposable ones at our workplace. By eliminating single-use plastics from our daily operations, we’re doing our part to reduce plastic waste and minimize our environmental footprint.

We caught up with Tina Markovski, Manager of People and Culture at PowerHub, who recently shared helpful resources with the team, getting everyone excited to celebrate Earth Day 2024.

Tina participates in Earth Day by attending global webinars and sessions to learn about what our company can be doing more to improve sustainability measures.

She uses the day as a reminder to keep practicing the 3 Rs of Waste Hierarchy – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, “I take inventory of my food waste and try to plan meals better, find recipes to incorporate peelings, stocks etc. so I’m not wasting produce that is still vitamin rich and tasty with the right recipes. I also donate clothing or household goods to those in need and educate my son on what can be reused or recycled instead of just throwing things in the garbage.”

Tina hasn’t used plastic bags or bottles in years and tries to buy products in glass containers that she can reuse for storage or pickling.

If you’re looking to celebrate Earth Day this year, Tina shares the following advice, “You can check out Google events for local Earth Day events in your community. Or you may want to support local farmers who don’t provide packaging with their products.

Another option is to support stores that offer refillable cleaning products or make your own. If you’re like me and have a ton of reusable bags, you may consider donating some to a non-profit organization.” Tina added one last idea, “You could find out where to plant trees or if you have space for your own garden, consider planting the right ones to support pollination. Gardening can be great for the planet and your spirit.”

At PowerHub, our commitment to sustainability extends beyond our workplace practices.

As a company passionate about the renewable energy movement, we’re dedicated to supporting the growth and success of the industry. That’s why we provide asset managers with the tools they need to scale their operations sustainably, empowering them to harness the power of renewable energy while minimizing environmental impact.

“Even small changes make a difference. I used to drink a lot of water from plastic water bottles. I now bought a Britta bottle, which keeps my water nice and cold and is better for the environment. Instead of driving a short distance, I walk. I try to get outside on Earth Day and do some gardening and I reduce my carbon footprint by reducing my drive time,” said Suraj, Full Stack Engineer at PowerHub.

Let’s all take a moment, on this Earth Day, to reflect on the urgent need to combat plastic pollution and protect the health of our planet. Together, we can build a plastic-free future for generations to come.

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