
All about Power purchase agreements (PPAs): Who creates one, What they do, and When they are necessary

Power purchase agreements, which are typically referred to as ‘PPAs,’ are an old concept in electricity markets — but as a lot of things do, like Hollywood remakes, they’ve been making a comeback in recen...


Automate your renewable energy invoicing for better PPA management

Clean energy growth over the course of the past year has been, in a word, pretty wild. A whopping 23.7 gigawatts of clean energy was bought through power purchase agreements (PPA) in 2020. See? Wild.


How artificial intelligence influences solar operations and maintenance (O&M) and renewables asset management in general

Artificial intelligence (AI), once primarily a feature of science fiction, now represents a rapidly growing industry, with applications in banking, defence, transportation, e-commerce, agriculture, healthcare, and more recently, solar operations, maintenance (O&M), and asset management.


Solar businesses and asset owners can benefit from implementing sophisticated software platforms

Solar energy continues to impress, with the International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasting annual additions to surpass 160 GW by 2022.

