Summary: The Waveline Magnet, developed by UK-based startup Sea Wave Energy Ltd. (SWEL), is a spine-like device that floats on top of the sea perpendicular to the shore to capture the kinetic energy of waves. ...
Summary: The California Energy Commission (CEC) voted to pass targets involving the deployment of 3-5 gigawatts of offshore wind developments in the next five years and another 25 gigawatts by 2045. The commis...
Our Germany-based BayWa r.e. parent company software team recently met in Munich for a team building and strategy development week.
- The new senate spending package will dedicate $369bn to combat the climate crisis over the next decade.
- There are numerous initiatives the public can access directly, including substantial tax credits for solar energy installations and new electric vehicle purchases.
- Along with positive environmental impacts, the bill is expected to facilitate major industry advancements over the next ten years.
Full Story:
In an unexpected and ground-breaking alliance between senior U.S. Democratic leadership and Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, a new climate spending package dedicates $369bn to fight the climate crises over the next decade.