
Harnessing the power of clean transportation with energy-generating and solar bike paths

Many of us on the PowerHub team are enthusiastic bikers and scooter riders.

become renewable energy asset manager

Interested in becoming a renewable energy asset manager? Here’s what it takes.

With renewable energy being the fastest-growing energy sector, it is no surprise that there is also a growing interest in renewable energy management.


Why are wind and solar power generators waiting years to get grid connection approvals?

To connect a new power source to the U.S. grid, energy generators must complete a lengthy application process through their regional utility or transmission authority. This bureaucratic process, called the interconnection queue, can take years.


How even the busiest asset manager can improve team productivity through collaboration

After asset managers experience their first major repair or lengthy shutdown, they’re often left with the same key takeaway: they cannot wait for challenges to appear. Successful asset managers anticipate the possibility of setbacks and address potential roadblocks before they significantly impact profit margins.

